Sturgeon Black caviar - delicacy in the truest sense of the word. It is salted, processed eggs of Siberian Sturgeon fish, which is highly acclaimed for soft shell and aroma.
Serving Caviar:
When enjoying Caviar, make sure to relax and not overcomplicate the experience. To allow the delicate flavour of the caviar to come through, serve on a plain base, such as a traditional blini. Plain crackers, toasted brioche or artisan bread are also perfect substitutes. Then top blini with a bit of crème fraiche and add caviar.
How to serve:
On the subject of serving Caviar, never use metal. Caviars' delicate nature is so fragile that using metal bowl or spoon will give
Caviar an "off" flavour or a metallic tang. Caviar should be served in a bowl on ice with pearl spoon... Enjoy!